Society of Explorers and Adventurers Wiki

AbracadaBar is a magician-themed cocktail lounge at Disney's Boardwalk.


AbracadaBar was once a gathering place for many great stage magicians and illusionists during the Boardwalk's Golden Age in the 1930s. The competitive spirit of these performers lead them to constantly try and one-up each other. The restaurant was run by an unidentified woman with her own connection to magic.

The competition between performers climaxed on the September 13 of 1940 when magician Lasdow the Lucky performed a disappearing act so great that everyone inside was never seen again. The magicians are however believed to have simply disappeared into a secret-room held within the bar.[1] After this incident, the bar was abandoned for over seventy years until it once again opened for business.


There are several stage-magicians referenced as having been patrons or performers at the AbracadaBar.

  • Encantadora de Toros: Encantadora was a hispanic or Spanish woman who could train bulls and make them disappear.
  • The Great Nyokaa: Nyokaa was a fortune-teller whose, "Eyes see no lies".[2]
  • Lasdow the Lucky: Lasdow the Lucky was a magician best known for his disappearing tricks. He was responsible for the missing magicians incident of 1940.
  • Madame Heshire: Madame Heshire was a magician who performed every full moon and was known as the, "Mover of the Moon".
  • Tyrus: Tyrus was a Chinese magician who was known as the, “Conjurer from the land of Red Dragons” and, "King of Kites".


Disney's Boardwalk[]

A newspaper article displayed in the bar also provides connections to other attractions within Disney’s Boardwalk, including the The Flying Fish Restaurant and Seashore Sweets. The later was replaced by AbracadaBar, though within the newspaper article it states that the sweet stores owners were a pair of twin sisters who had been invited to compete in the Miss Seashore Beauty Pageant, explaining why they had decided to close their store.

Fortress Explorations[]

A membership fez for the Society of Explorers and Adventurers can be seen within the bar, suggesting one of the lost magicians was likely a member.[3]

Easter Eggs[]

  • In this bar there is a framed photograph of Walt Disney.[4]
  • In one of the cases in this bar is a book titled, "Aladdin & Co." by John Herbert Quick, also known as, "A Romance of Yankee Magic". Next to the book is a lamp resembling Aladdin's lamp from the film.
  • Dumbo's magic feather is located on one of the shelves in the bar.
  • Madame Heshire's name is an allusion to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland with her poster saying Cheshire with a crescent-moon representing the C when she disappears.
  • One of the drinks is called the "Magic Mirror" and is described as being the, "Fairest drink of them all".[5]
  • There is a vial of Extract of Llama from the Emperor's New Groove, being a potion which was created by Yzma.[6]
  • The rabbit treats are called the, "Alec Azam Rabbit Treats".[7] Alec Azam is the name of the magician's rabbit from the 2008 Pixar short-film Presto. Alec's silhouette is also part of the wallpaper in the bar.[8]
  • There is an advert in the newspaper for Walt Disney's Fantasia.
  • There are files on the shelf labelled, "Bed-knobs" and " Broomsticks" referencing the Disney film Bed-knobs and Broomstciks.[9]
  • The magician Tyrus is an allusion to Disney animator and kite maker Tyrus Wong.

