Madame Heshire is a character from the AbracadaBar.
Madame Heshire was a magician in the early 20th century who was known as the, "Mover of the Moon". Her performances seemingly revolved around moving the position and/or face of the moon. She operated out of the Boardwalk of Crescent Lake where he frequented the AbracadaBar and competed with other magicians.
The competition between performers climaxed on the September 13 of 1940 when magician Lasdow the Lucky performed a disappearing act so great that everyone inside was never seen again. The magicians are however believed to have simply disappeared into a secret-room held within the bar.[1]
Appearances and allusions[]
There is a poster up in the AbracadaBar of Madame Heshire which shows her disappearing.
- Madame Heshire is an allusion to the character of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. This is shown via her colour-scheme and the poster's crescent-moon serving as the letter, "C" making her name read as, "Madame Cheshire". The crescent-moon is also identified with the Cheshire Cat in Disney's 1951 adaptation of Alice in Wonderland where the Cheshire Cat materialized via the moon.